If you are a student at Juilliard or have recently graduated and have been diagnosed with OCD at the Juilliard Counseling Services, you may be eligible to participate in an 8-week telehealth treatment group through my practice during which you will learn how to use exposure and response prevention, the gold-standard cognitive-behavioral treatment, for OCD. If you are interested in participating in this group, please complete a contact form on my website and I will be in touch with you regarding next steps. The fee for each 60-minute group session is $50. The group will be scheduled based on availability of the majority of group members. Please note that you’ll need to be located in NY, NJ, or FL in order to participate in this group.

Prior to beginning the group, you will complete a short series of questionnaires and you will identify your goals for the group. The first few sessions will involve education about OCD and how we treat it using exposure and response prevention. Essentially, you will learn how to face your fears and identify and stop engaging in compulsions so that you can stop the endless cycle of OCD and better accomplish your goals and live your values. Through in-session practice, support from your classmates, and at-home practice, you will learn that you can change how you respond to your intrusive thoughts and urges and work towards mastery of OCD.